So I've, we've, been busy. The Brousseau clan has had a crazy summer. It doesn't help that both Matt and my jobs are the BUSIEST in the summer. As a result, blogging has fallen off of my priority list.
Today... Emma received her first stitches.
Why is it that my girls end up injured but my kamakaze boys have yet to have anything happen to them? No jinxing myself here.
Emma was trying to walk down the stairs today while holding her blanket. She stepped onto her blanket and fell down the stairs, of course, landing with her forehead directly in to the small corner of the post of the banister. Our rounded, curved banister has a small corner at the bottom. She hit it right between her eyes but close to her left eyebrow. It looked like a great big dent.
We did slow the bleeding but it kept trickling and after 10 minutes decided that she would at least need one stitch because it just looked like this hole... The after hours pediatrician was fantastic. One stitch, some durabond and bandaid, $35, and a lot of Motrin later - she's all fixed up....Stitch stays in for 5 days, no bath for 48 hours.
She is all smiles now and really was a trooper.
Cristal, our babysitter/3rd daughter (it feels like, we LOVE you Cristal!!!) was fantastic under stress, put pressure and ice on it until I got there 5 minutes later. Can I just say that it is an incredible blessing that we have Cristal and that my work is literally 1 minute away.
I will post a picture later ---working on a new computer that has not been set up with my current camera yet.
Someone tell me this? How did I not know that I could go to the after hours Pediatrician for stitches when Addie needed them? $35 for Emma, $800 for Addie. Hmmm...