Friday, May 23, 2008

Broken - Again. . .

That's right. Jax did it again. Second window in one year. Last time it was a baseball that broke it and this time a golf ball. He actually really did feel awful about it. He said he was trying not to golf at the fence. So what's left really? Of course the window. . . . Matt was great about it and didn't get mad. Just sat him down and talked about actions and consequences and how even though it was an accident - there still needed to be consequences for breaking a window - thus the hiatus from the golf clubs for a while. They're under the house for a while. Thank goodness for other sports!

It's that time of year for us - time to get in the water. My little family LOVES the water. We get passes to 7 peaks in the summer and go every day - seriously. But, being the nervous mom that I am - I have the kids that are old enough take swimming lessons right before summer starts so that they remember what to do in the water. I have come to the conclusion that my kids are fish. They love their lessons even though they are freezing. This picture of Jax is so funny to me because he was having a blast but his face never showed it. He can't wait for his next lesson but when he gets there he looks miserable. Go figure.

This year it's just Addie and Jax in lessons - so while their lesson is happening I take Gray in the water myself. This really just means that he jumps in from the side at any given time and mom had better be ready to catch him. He ALWAYS yells cannonball first so at least I've got a warning. Last time he wore bright neon green goggles on his face and refused to take them off the whole time. He looked hilarious.

Look at that skinny boy - I swear we feed him, really!


Anonymous said...

Luckily for you he was sorry about it! And how fun that you guys get to do something so enjoyable and fun with your family!

Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Won't it be nice when he's old enough to go earn money to pay for the broken window? I'm sure it will still be happening then!! How fun that you guys are going to do Seven Peaks again. They just put one in similar to Seven Peaks here and it is attached to the zoo. It's about ten minutes from our house, and looks so fun!

Anonymous said...

So...can they swim on their own now...that is just a liberating moment!! Love, gma-the-swim-teacher