Monday, May 10, 2010

What is different about today?

Towards the end of our evening yesterday, Grayson really wanted to ride his scooter around the block. We really try to make an attempt to have our Sundays be different from our weekdays so that our kids recognize that we are at least trying to observe the Sabbath day.

Well, when he was told no to riding his scooter he got REALLY mad. Matt sat him down and asked him, "Gray, today is Sunday. What do we do different on Sunday than the other days of the week?"

This is the answer we got -

"We listen."

Awesome - now I know to not tell my kids anything important unless it's Sunday - cause that's the day they listen to me...


Russell Legg said...

My hat goes off to you guys for this! We are constatntly (like every week) reminding the boys that we don't do sports on Sunday. Boys just want to run and be active! Reading this post rekindles my resolve to make that day different too - thanks Sis.

Anonymous said...

Grayson says some real zingers! Really...the Sabbath Day really is a day to shut everything down...and...LISTEN!! What a boy...thanks, Gray! Love, mom/gma

Anonymous said...

gray is crazy end of discussion!! love,tim\uncle tim

dad said...

You must be getting through to him. Now, at least, you know two things; 1 - the Sabbath Day is different and 2 - there are times when you should listen.