Saturday, February 21, 2009


Can you guess what we've been doing at our house all day today?

I needed to pick up two birthday presents for Addie this morning (for two different parties she was invited to attend today) and I found the best present for my THREE boys to play with today. It has been a blast. . .


Abby said...

That is so funny, Katie. My girls have been begging me for some nerf guns because when I go teach piano at the Bailey's house on Mondays they play that the entire time we're there. They are so much fun. I love the picture of the little face hiding behind the basket. Too cute.

Anonymous said...

Those things are a blast. Can you remember when Matt and I used to do the same thing at our house? Dad

The Shavers said...

That looks like so much fun! Albert would have a blast at your house!!!

Anonymous said...

I would destroy you all completely with those guns because Mason and Kaden have guns differently, but bigger ones! Love, Tim/Uncle Tim

(He wanted me to say annilhate...but I couldn't spell it...still can't!)

Anonymous said...

The Leggs are master house-hunters...they have even added homemade bows and arrows, capes, and quivers!! Good heavens! Love, momg/gma