Sunday, June 20, 2010

Not a good idea...

In case you were thinking of trying this... It is not a good idea to walk 100% percent reverently to Primary from sacrament. Because if you do, you just might close your eyes all of the way while walking. All of the way reverent means you hae your arms folded, head bowed and eyes closed, like during a prayer. And with your eyes closed, you might think you are walking straight, but really you are veering to the right and walking straight in the direction of the library door jam. My 4 yr. old tried this today and ended up with a HUGE goose egg on his forehead. Just sayin. Not a good idea. Sure made a loud noise though.


Life According to Scott said...

ouch... I feel the pain... Good thing you dont have a basement for the four year olds to fall down while going to nursery!

The Shavers said...

That is hilarious! At least he was being all the way reverent and not going for halvsies!

Anonymous said...

Oh my...oh my...oh my!! I suppose, though, that we could all do with a little more reverence...without swerving, if you get my meaning!! Love, mom/gma

dad said...

Katie, you live such a funny life!!
I especially like how you deal with things like this because you really enjoy your kiddos. They are lucky to have you!!

Russell Legg said...

This was too good! I could do with some of that zeal to please. This will be a fun story to share with him in the future!

Anonymous said...

I feel just like the shavers that was really funny!! love,tim\uncle tim