Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Races of all kinds happen at our house an a daily basis. The boys race to the bathroom, to brush their teeth, to the car, to finish their orange juice.. . . you name it, and there's a race to finish it first. Gray, insists that we start each race officially. I don't mind because that means that I don't have to hear this "That's not Fair!" which I hear a lot from him anyway. But, it wasn't until recently that we realized what Gray was saying was not what he really says to start the race. We thought he was saying, "On your mark, get set, GO!" This is what he really says -

"Uncle Mark, Cassette, Go!" It's all the same right?


The Shavers said...

Hahaha thats hilarious!!!

Anonymous said...

Katie that is so funny! Hey that's what it sounds like to him, makes total sense lol.


Anonymous said...

I agree with you, Shavers...this is hilarious! Love, Tim/Uncle Tim

Anonymous said...

As long as they all leave the starting blocks at the same time...GO!! Love, mom/gma